Sunday, March 21, 2010

Who Am I? Or (Perhaps More Accurately) Who Else Could Be Me?

It's not necessary to eat pizza on Sunday, but it sounds like a good idea to me... Maybe it should be.
I wish I could post a picture of what I look like today... But to sum it up I'm a mixture of the 1970's and... death... I'm going to see how long I can go without brushing my hair, teeth, changing, showering, or anything. Gross, yet extremely satisfying.
Bottoms up... Cherry Limeade, drink of the day.

I've been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd lately. I love how the intros to most of their songs are like 900 minutes long, it just makes the song 10 times as good, not to mention the anticipation kills. Taking me to the dark side... of the moon.
So I'd like to dedicate this song/video to myself...

Photograph of the Day, because I simply enjoy it.
By the one and only Irving Penn, god rest his soul.

Quote of the day for sure has to come from a Pink Floyd song lyric, cause I want this to be a themed blog entry...

One more thing...
Happy Birthday Eddie Money... As well as Kevin Federline. (but who's that anyway?)

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