Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Take a Walk on the Wild Side.

Always be prepared to embarrass yourself and make mistakes. Lately before I go do anything I listen to some rock 'n' roll and tell myself, "Just say (or don't say anything at all if that's what you want) and do what you want even if it's embarrassing or not right... because everyone, including myself, is going to die someday. Care, but only care enough. Mainly, have fun in life because it doesn't last forever... and when you're gone you're gone for good." I'm not joking. I totally do this at least once a day. I am constantly reminding myself not to care about anything too much but to mainly enjoy myself and the company of others... this totally helps with any anxiety or stress. It totally dissolves. It makes me love my life a little more each time I do it. So try it, cause I love it.

"It's not about what happened in the past, or what you think might happen in the future. It's about the ride, for Christ's sake. There is no point in going through all this crap, if your are not going to enjoy the ride. And you know what... when you least expect something great might come along. Something better then you even planned for."


Let's talk tunes.
Can I just say... I love music from the 90s. Maybe it is because that is my era... or just maybe because this era rocked musically. I think it's both. Most of my favorite songs and bands are from the 90s. So here is one example of why I love 90s tunes...
(please excuse the chinese animation)

This is my pre summer jam. I hope you enjoy as much as I.
Love the video.
(Not from the 90s...just sayin')

1 comment:

  1. Good Jams! Can't wait to listen to them...maybe sitting at the beach this summer...Hell yes!
