Friday, March 19, 2010

First Blog! Can you dig-it?

So I have recently decided to start a blog due to the fact that my facebook is always overloaded with junk that should belong on a blog... And when I say recently decided, I mean decided a few seconds ago when I stalked an amazing/inspiring blog via google.

I'm usually pretty good about understanding new things on the internet like Xanga, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, etc... But somehow I'm sort of totally confused about Blogs. I wasn't sure if it was like a online journal type thing or just a sharing thing about "stuff"... ANYWAYS. A few moments ago, when I decided to sign up for one of these "blog" deals, I wikipediaed(sp?) 'blog'. Apparently a blog is exactly what I thought. I think maybe they call it a 'blog' because it's sort of a big 'blob' of whatever you want it to be.
So I guess I'll let my blog be whatever I want it to be each day... Today it obviously, so far, it is just a big blob of my thoughts typed out. BUT, let me get to something a little more interesting...

I have been really obsessed with quotes, not just lately though. I've been obsessed since probably, give or take 5th grade. I've also been obsessed with lyrics, but those totally come hand in hand. So I bet this blog will have a lot of that. I just realized I'm still typing my thoughts and I have not gotten anymore interesting. OKAY, seriously this time...

I'm going to post quotes of the day on here. These will be something that has to do with my mood throughout the day... or maybe just something I keep thinking about during the day... SO today's quote is...
True. I want to discuss this quote in detail but if I did that would be boring...

I also have a song of the day. Today's winner is...

Went for a run this morning, this song came on my
iPod, made me feel on top of it! Good stuff.
Hopefully they have a Bruce Springsteen night on
American Idol. Crossing my fings!

"Crushed velvet seats
Riding in the back
Oozing down the street
Waving to the girls
Feeling out of sight
Spending all my money
On a Saturday night "


Along with quotes and music I also am in a healthy relationship with photography and movies. Therefore I will be sharing a "movie of the day" as well as a "photo of the day" (one that I took and one that I like from another photographer). Awesome.

Movie of my day surely goes to...
Fight Club. I actually have not watched this today but I'm thinking I will eventually, before I am sleeping. Something this film makes me feel empowered, and, you know, that's what I'm about these days. Not to mention Brad Pitt really hit it out of the park body wise... acting wise too. Tyler Durden is probably the coolest guy that will never exist. One might often ask them-self, "What would Tyler Durden do?" I know I do.

Photograph of the Day (not mine)
By Richard Avedon. Just so happened to like the flying hair in this. Believe it or not I learned about Richard Avedon in photography classes during my short time in college life. ANYWAY. Obviously this guy is a classic. I wont bore you with his biography, but let me just say I like him a lot because he was one of the first fashion photographers who actually wanted models to move around as well as smile, be happy or sad or have some emotion... Stuff like that. I think that's pretty cool and that's the way it should be sometimes, no?

Photograph of the Day (by me!)
By Carly Jenkins. I took this yesterday. My mother and father have tremendous amounts of records stored away and I thought I'd bust a few out for some pics. The irony of the situation is that I was listening to some of these artist via iPod while taking the pictures... Hmmm. Not so cool. In some weird way I feel like that's a little disrespectful.... Oh well! Maybe someday I'll blow this up and use it as a poster! Not a bad

Well that's all I got today!
Thanks for reading my first blob of a blog!

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