Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life is Not Fair.

This post might be sort of depressing, but whatever, it is what I am feeling right now. I feel like I just had an epiphany. Lately I feel as though I have been so wrapped up in myself and my own problems like stupid things like school, location, breakups, friends, cars, money.... The world is bigger than me, much bigger. I feel so sad today, sad that I have been so selfish. I just got done telling my mom about a kid I met not to long ago who wished he had the opportunity to go to St. Joe and so on, but didn't. There is more to the story, but when I was finished telling it my mom said something like this, "Life is not fair, I don't care what anyone says. Some people are just born into shitty situations and work so hard to make it better, but sometimes it just doesn't happen." Thinking about this makes me sad. I feel so guilty for worrying about the stuff I have lately. Lately when I pray, I pray for my dumb little problems... How selfish. Seriously. I should be thankful for what I have now. I should be thankful for actually having options. I should be thankful for this big house I have and all this stupid material shit I have, not asking for more for myself. It almost disgusts me thinking about it all. I should be thankful that I have an opportunity to even get an education instead of sitting here deciding if I want to do it far away or close or in a big city or a small city... how selfish. But today I do realize now that I am thankful, and I do lead an amazing life it just sucks I couldn't see this before. I have always said thanks in my prayers, but now I feel as if I really am thankful and grateful.... I'm not sure if anyone who reads this will actually get anything from this because it is so hard to actually explain how I feel. I just hope you realize how good you might have it, because life truly is not fair to everyone.

"Be thankful for what you have. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."

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