Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Assignment #3


“Do everything for what you dream or think that is in your strengths! There are hiding geniality, strength and magic in the courage.” Ciril Jazbec

Beat Boxer

For my first artist I chose the photographer Ciril Jazbec. This artist appeals to me because he takes portraits of people and ties in what they do for a living or their hobbies into the photograph. This kind of goes with the dream side of dreamination. He photographs people and tries to represent their dreams within the picture. Therefore, I believe the big idea in his work is dreams and aspirations or inspirations. I find it inspiring that he brings in the clients hobby or job into the photograph creatively in way where it's not bluntly obvious. Before I read what the clients job/hobby was, I was curious as to whether I could guess what it was or not. I would like to try to use the idea of not making my final projects meaning bluntly obvious, but more creatively like Ciril does. Also, his composition is inspiring and creative and I would like to try and get creative with my composition in my final project as well.

For my second artist I chose the photographer Lee Towndrow. This artists work appeals to me because it is very creative and different. I think the big idea in his work might be imagination or "different". I find it inspiring that he uses unordinary props in his photographs. I also find it inspiring and interesting that when you look at the work you are not sure what to think and you begin to ask yourself what it means. I wonder if he makes it that way so that you can draw your own conclusions on the meaning. I would like to try to use unordinary objects, like Lee does, in my final project so that I can get the viewer to draw conclusions for themselves on the meaning behind my work. I would also like to try to get my text in my final project to look like it really fits in the image like this artist does. Going with a different/unordinary and creative approach might be a good idea for my final project.

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