Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Assignment #4

For my final project I will be creating a postcard for my sister’s fiancé’s pool business. I had recently told him about the final project for this class and he gave me the idea to create an advertisement postcard for the business. If they like it they will use it and send it out to their customers. My big idea for this postcard will be friendliness and creativity. I want the postcard to give off the idea of a friendly and charming business. I will use friendly quotes and inviting pool photographs to get my message across. I also want to use summery, bright colors to communicate my message. I hope that by using quotes, bright colors, and pool images people will feel like the business is friendly and creative want to buy from it.
Three artist that have influenced me for this final project are the photographers:
Martin Lawrence, Jeremy Cowart, and Chris Phelps.
Here are some examples of their work.
Jeremy Cowart
Chris Phelps
Martin Lawrence

Because my big idea is friendliness and creativity I feel like these photographers are good inspirations because there work is very creative and it is very vivid.
I want to try to use this realistic water reflection technique for my final.
I feel like since I am doing a postcard for a pool business it would be a great technique to use.

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