Sunday, January 30, 2011

Photoshop Tutoria

I chose a photograph of Mary Kate Olsen for my tutorial.

I first selected her face, minus the eyes, eyebrows, nostrils, and lips, using the masking tool. I then used the gaussian blur filter to smooth out the face. I then created a new soft light layer and outlined her eyes and lips with a darker color to make them pop. I then created another soft light layer here and brushed on white areas to her face as you can see. After doing this I used the gaussian blur filter again to soften out the look, like I did for the eyes and lips.

I then repeated this same step except with a dark color on her cheek bones instead of the white.

I then selected her eyes, nostrils, and lips with the lasso tool. I also feathered the selection. I then went to the sharpen filter and used the unsharp mask to sharpen these areas.

The last step was to adjust the color balance. I want to adjustments and adjusted the cyan color of the photograph because the tutorial said that is what magazines do.

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