Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Assignment #5

This piece of work, my midterm, is my most significant accomplishment. I feel like it, as a whole, is significant because I used so many photoshop tools to create it. I feel like the multiple layers of meaning make it so creative to me. I liked how I started out without a focus because I wasn't sure how to get creative with the big idea of imagination. When I put the dream aspect of the big idea into my project, which was photography and dreams themselves, my imagination started to come into focus a little more. I liked the quote because it had to do with imagination and focus. I liked the fact that focus could give meaning to the photography aspect and the creative aspect itself.

This piece of work, for quiz 4, was the most challenging in the class. The cloning and selecting was the most challenging part for the piece. It was tough trying to clone out Tom Hanks' character on the left side. It was also hard cloning out the previous quote in the middle of the poster. I also had some trouble selecting the man and the baby from a different poster to place into this poster. Before this class I had never really used the masking tool. To select things in the past I would use the magnetic lasso or the regular lasso tool. I found that after this class using the masking tool gives you a more precise selection. I also learned that you can feather the masking selection to smooth out the edges. Before this class getting a precise selection was a little hard for me but now with the tools and techniques I've learned I feel like I can make a pretty good selection. Same goes for the cloning tool. I feel like I have mastered the cloning tool after taking this class.

These are two of my projects that I retouched this quarter. The one on the left was the first one I did. I think the for the first one I was going for a more unreal look while the second one I was trying to make look more real. The first one I made her eyes bigger and overly softened her face. For the one on the right I tried to keep her looking more simple. For both of them I feel like I maybe took away the texture of the face. If I were to retouch another photograph like these I would try to leave some texture in the face. The photograph on the left almost seems dream-like while the one on the right seems more senior picture-like.