Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I like beautiful things as much as anybody else, if not more. However- it's still- only STUFF. Lets not be slaves to our possessions. You cant buy happiness and you cant borrow peace of mind. They are priceless. We must remind ourselves that the best things in life aren't things.

Monday, October 18, 2010

All You Need is Love... (and a Few Extra Nick-Nacks)

When it comes to college, or school in general, I'm pretty sure I'm bipolar. Whenever I have been at school for a few weeks I get used to the atmosphere and the student life. Sometimes I feel pretty great about the weeks and weekends filled with good friends, good food, and good drinks. I get caught up in the moments and I enjoy living the sort of city life as a student. I'm in routine and content... But when I go home for the weekend that is when it all seems to shake up all my feelings when come back to the college scene. Being at home with my siblings, parents, grandparents, and a few cousins gets me out of the college mode and in the family lovin' mode. When I'm surrounded by that family love and good times for those few days it makes me want to somewhat speed up the college process. Also, I think as the weather gets colder these feelings kick in a little stronger too. I'm not trying to wish my life away by any means but sometimes I just feel over the whole routine of classes, homework, being with people my own age all day doing the same thing as me, and going out with friends to drink Thursday through Sunday... Let me remind you this feeling does not last for a long time, but I do put some deep thought into it when it does... I feel like this isn't a bad thing because I think about what I want my life to be. Where I want to be in a few years... It's almost a good motivator for getting through school and hopefully starting a career that I'm going to love; almost like a goal setting session.
These feelings of sort of looking into the future consist of the following things...
(and I have found some pictures for a visual aid)
SO. Here it is, my dream future in a nut shell!
A warm cozy living room with a few comfy couches and chairs. Like so.
Also, a nice tv and fireplace to snuggle up to. Like so.
A little Husky pup to add to the comfort. Like so.
A big beautiful bathtub to soak in after a chilly Autumn Day. Like so.
Delightful home cooked meals. Like so.
And not to mention dinner parties with friends, family, and the neighbs!

Now for the future career...

The goal is to get a business degree and open up shop with Jenny Freeh and Comany!
A little shop called "Rosie's" and the motto will be "All You Need is Love... (and a few extra nick-nacks)"... The ideal setting would be in a downtown area of a town similar to Madison, Indiana... or maybe even Madison itself. Something like so...

What will we sell?
Perhaps some flower arrangements.
Along with some old-fashion candy!
Not to mention some vintage jewelry!
Maybe even some refurbished... or not refurbished antiques. Like so.
And last but not least, some seasonal framed photography... Hopefully done by me! Like so.

Hopefully good friends and family will help out with the shop! Also I'm thinking we will play amazing background music there and maybe even ask local musicians to play outside on nice days. We will also have themed days on Fridays. The employees will pick a theme each Friday to go with. For example "Hippie Theme"... For this theme employees will dress up as hippies and we will give out free daisies this day and half off colorful jewelry.

Anyways, enough day-dreaming for the evening. Hope you all enjoyed the inner workings of my brain and my hopeful future plans.

Hope you support the biz someday!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Child Stars, Then and Now.

And so it begins...
The End.